I still hear people say that Covid-19 has a lot to answer for. The impact it had at the time still has ripples years later.

The advice at the time of the global pandemic included staying apart from other people. For many, especially those who are tactile, this proved traumatic. We couldn’t hug and feel the strength that comes from being together. We weren’t able to feel the tender touch of loved ones or friends. Hugging has been part of our lives for thousands of years. It’s proven to lower your heart rate, and positive touch can reduce anxiety and depression.

One of the great things I love about being a Story Massage practitioner is being able to draw people back into the use of touch for good. It combines my own love for storytelling with something that really should be intrinsic in our loves – connection with others.

Through already curated stories as well as ones that I may write myself specific to the children or young people I am working with, we use a series of simple, recognised strokes that enhance the imagination as the fun and creativity of words are explored. Stories have been part of our lives since caveman times when it was one of the main forms of interaction. The benefits of positive touch are backed by extensive research from Dr Tiffany Field at the Miller School of Medicine in Miami. These include improved calmness, concentration, and social skills; increased self-confidence and self-esteem; and better communication and respect.

Story Massage can be used with any age and is highly accessible as we do not remove clothing like normal massage and permission is always sought so participants gain greater awareness and understanding of the importance of boundaries. It’s excellent for using in the classroom in small or whole class groups, and can fit with the national curriculum, helping younger children in particular learn numbers and letters. Teens can also find comfort in Story Massage.

Why not book me today to find out more and try it for yourself?